My husband and I have no debt. Zero. I haven’t owned a credit card since 2009. Yeah, I’m one of those people that listens to Dave Ramsey and reads Robert Kiyosaki. My husband is not. He just made some good decisions when he was a little younger and we leveraged those to end up where we are: Out of debt.
That’s where the disconnect has happened.
We sold our houses in Colorado and uprooted ourselves to buy a house with cash Missouri, paid off all our school debt, and got him a newer vehicle with cash. We each went without work for six months, time periods that overlapped one another, and all of this resulted in our now making two-thirds as much as we did before; roughly the amount we had after our mortgage was paid.
It seems, then, like a wash. No debt, but no extra money, either.
The upbeat part of me wants to say, “Well, not everything is about money.” The travel bunny in me wants to say, “Why are we stuck here!?!!” Yes, with the double-exclamation marks on the end.
This blog is part of me working through the experience of dichotomy. I am a minimalist, but Lizard Boy is not. We are comparatively wealthy, but are by no means rich. We have very different personalities, but love each other very much. We have shared goals, but completely disagree on how to reach them sometimes. We feel remarkable freedom without debt, yet we are limited to small steps moving forward
I can't get too philosophical here; I'm just not that smart. But I love to write and I've learned some disconnected lessons in my past decade that are leading to unexpected paths.